All companies at the nascent stage are required to observe certain compliances. There are general compliances which are common across various sectors such as corporate compliances, employment-related compliances, environmental compliances etc. and there are specific compliances which are focused on a particular industry. Each industry has certain set of specific compliances which it needs to adhere to. In our last post, we talked about how can an Electric Vehicle (EV) start-up protect itself contractually. In this post, we shall be talking about, the industry-specific compliances, all EV start-ups need to comply with.
Who can set up an EV infrastructure?
The government permits any individual to set up public charging stations, subject to the adherence of given compliances. Private charging at residences and offices are also permitted. There are certain compliances which need to be adhered to, if you wish to set up EV infrastructure. Let us understand these compliances, in greater detail.
Infrastructure-Related Compliances
All electric vehicles require a charging infrastructure. However, such charging infrastructure should conform to the given standards, if being put to commercial use. Some of the key standards, EV charging infrastructure should adhere to are:
An exclusive transformer with all related substation equipment including safety appliance, if required.
33/11 KV line/cables with associated equipment including termination etc, if required.
Appropriate civil works.
Appropriate cabling & electrical works ensuring safety.
Adequate space for charging and entry/exit of vehicles.
One or more chargers or any combination as per Fast/Slow charger types adhering to electrical standards as per CEA & BIS.
Charging station for e-two/three wheelers shall be free to install any charger other than specified.
The following do not need to adhere to the standards as laid down above:
Private charging points for self-use or individual owners.
Captive charging infrastructure for a company’s internal use for its own or leased fleet.
Safety Related Compliances
Ministry of Power – CEA introduced following safety provisions under Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019. A few key safety-related compliances are:
All EV charging stations shall be designed, installed, tested, certified, inspected and connected in accordance with the provisions of CEA, with adherence to overload limits.
All EV charging points shall be installed so that any socket-outlet of supply is at least 800 millimeter above the finished ground level.
A cord extension set or second supply lead shall not be used and an adaptor shall not be used to connect a vehicle connector to a vehicle inlet. Portable socket-outlets are not permitted to be used for electric vehicle charging.
EV Parking shall be within five-meter from the electric vehicle charging point.
Suitable lightning protection system shall be provided for the EV charging stations as per Indian Standards.
The EV charging station shall be equipped with a protective device.
As per electrical technicalities of charging/discharging EV vehicles, a warning label shall be attached in an appropriate position on the charging stations.
State-Specific Compliances
Apart from the compliances required by the central government, a few states have also issued state-specific compliances for EV startups. For instance, Delhi Electric Vehicles Policy, 2020 mandates that those two-wheelers OEMs who want to avail of incentives from the government and are eligible for the same, need to register with the Transport Department, GNCTD. The Policy also permits the plying of electric two-wheeler taxis, if done within the purview of the guidelines issued.
Many states have provided a host of incentives for EV start-ups. From providing discounted power supply to subsidies, a range of facilities are being provided.
General Compliances
Apart from complying with industry-specific compliances, EV start-ups are also required to adhere to general compliances such as corporate compliances, employment-related compliances, environmental compliances etc.
Starting right is half the work done! Hence, EV start-ups should take into account the compliances required and adhere to the same. If the work of building the infrastructure is outsourced, one should make sure that these standards should be agreed upon with the supplier through a Service Level Agreement. Similarly, checklists should be made of industry-specific and general compliances and the start-ups should ensure that they are compliant with the same. It is also material for EV start-ups to know and understand the incentives being provided by their respective state governments and the state-specific compliances required for the same.
If you have any query regarding compliances required by an EV start-up, you can contact us by clicking the button below.